Monday, May 10, 2010

Hwk 55

Part 1:
What are some reasons people tend to be more concerned about the approval of strangers instead of family?

Part 2:
I think your questions are pretty interesting; I especially like this question of yours: “Why are we so scared to let people see the real us that we allow ourselves to be taken over by the persona we put forth?” It’s a good question to get information on since we see it happen in our lives everyday. How will you be gathering all the evidence needed on this topic? I feel like if you were to ask strangers on the street this question, they would start to state their opinions. How will you get some facts to figure out an answer to this problem? I think you should create a survey for students to fill out and maybe do a few interviews with close friends. You can also try to find some articles on such a topic. I think you are headed in the right direction, hope you get all the supporting evidence you need.

I like the topic you have chosen. Not many people seem to dig deeper into these dating websites and how it creates the chemistry between two people who don’t know much about each other at first. Your question: “how does online dating and compatibility matches create a lasting relationship for a couple?” seems to be in the works of coming out with a better question. I think you need to revise this question so it can be less opinionated and more of a statement. You are assuming that all internet dating websites create matches that will last forever. There is always going to be a case where these matches don’t workout, and users on these websites are just experimenting. A question that I want to suggest you is: Do people become members of dating websites because they want love or do they use it as an excuse for attention? I think that you have a good question, but you need to do some revising. Hope this helps.

Part 3:
Keegan, John. "Who Are You Seeking Approval From?." March 10, 2010 / 11:28 pm: n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

This article is written by a dating coach. He talks about how we all have the desire to be approved by others. At times many of us tend to over do this and it can cause negative effects: “But we can often fall into the unhealthy frame of trying to win the other person over, and in so doing we may ingratiate or attempt to build rapport with others that we have not properly qualified.” (Keegan). The author compares us to a prize that is trying to get won. I think this article will come in handy for when I am introducing my topic to the reader, and I will use some quotes to back up my argument; proving that we always tend to worry about showing our self off to strangers rather than our family.

"Stop Seeking the Approval of Others." (2008): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

This article talks about how the human race requires itself to have approval from others. It’s something that we are supposed to do. It later on looks at this situation from an alternative stand point and tries to prove the reader that we don’t require to have any approval from others except our self. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” (Twain, Mark). I think I will use this article in an alternative piece in my paper where I talk about how we don’t really need the approval of others. We tend to make assumptions, but in reality we can live without the approval of others, and learn to accept our own approval which matters the most.

"Seeking Approval." n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

“…this need to follow someone else’s standards; this constant urge of seeking approval from others. Usually it’s from parents or other close acquaintances…” The author of this article wants to show the reader that there is nothing more important then the approval of yourself. This makes our life only meaningful to make others content, while we are all struggling to keep up with every ones approvals towards our self. When we rely on the approval of others, we are not able to think for ourselves, instead we rely on others. I think I will use this article to go against my essential question and make the reader realize whose approval matters the most. I want the reader to take away the main point, which is not about the approval from others, but about the approval from the self.

"Relying on Others." (2010): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

In this article, the reader can become aware about how we are always in the need of relying on others. We seem to be relying on others way too much and we have become really used to doing so. We are always relying on someone other than our self because we like to absorb all the attention we receive from others. I think I will use this to back up my argument about reliance on the self. That is what should matter the most to us, yet we don’t realize this at the moment. What will happen if the whole human race were to die and you were the only one to be able to live, how will one survive?


  1. Interesting question. Are you focusing on family or other people? I think attention is the word; why do people tend to seek attention outside the family. Just a suggestion.

  2. I think your question is interesting and you could focus it in any direction. You'll also be able to find quit a lot of research to help you answer it. A suggestion for you would be to do some specific research on what "other" people do people try to get the approval of if it's not their family members.
