Monday, May 3, 2010

Hwk 52

Yes I agree, this is an impossible assignment since there are countless things that can be thought about when thinking of people. The different roles we play: love, friendship, family, power; these are just some of the topics that involve people. Most of what people think is the outcome of how they were raised and what type of society they lived in. One thing I feel that no one in this world can live without is love, whether it is the love received from our parents or an intimate relationship you may have with someone. Without love there is no reason for one to live, they will feel that they are nothing to this world so they will tend to feel faded which will give them no account of living. When we are born, we are all usually given love from our parental figure, which is supposed to be given throughout our whole life. When this love is not given to the young in a proper form it tends to cause problems in the future. For example the child will grow up feeling alienated and not loved by anyone else. This may lead to suicidal thoughts at some point in their life.They will start to make the wrong decisions because there will be no adult figure to guide them. There needs to be some form of love received in each individual’s life. Even though it is usually given by family and friends, there are some rare cases where love is shown to the young child through a different form.

Feral children are great examples of how one cannot live a normal life without receiving any type of love. Oxana Malaya is a feral child who grew up with the accompaniment of dogs. Her alcoholic parents had left her abandoned in the backyard where a pack of dogs had come to raise her. Even though Oxana was given love from these dogs taking care of her, she was not given proper love she was supposed to get from her parents. Since she was raised by dogs, she is now a dog trapped in the body of a human being. This is the outcome when the correct form of love is not received by one. Love is something that shapes us all into who we are; it is usually the first thing we experience when we are born.

I feel that humans have all sides to them. They share all types of emotions and thoughts; this is why they are connected to each other in many ways. This is why we tend to gain envy and selfishness with each other. We envy each other for the same reasons, for example relationships or anything that may matter a lot to one. There is always a feel of selfishness for every human living. Every human only shows their kind gestures towards others only so they can be seen as the better person. Humans only live to determine where they will end up in the future. I feel like all the gestures I make towards other humans only makes others look at me and notice how well I am creating my character. The only people that are the most guaranteed to stay with me throughout my whole life will is my family. Other than them I will always doubt my relations with people I am not blood related with.

Humans are made to use other humans; it’s just our code and our way of living. The way I was raised made me believe that living life is a huge test, and one day we will all be evaluated. I feel like we are all using each other to be better compared to these others. We learn from the others and use what we learned as a gesture to make our self seem “better”. There is no one way to live life, everybody is obligated to their own way of living but they need to realize that at the end they will have no one but their self left. And they will not be able to get any help from anyone else, the only source they will have would be them self. This is why I feel that everybody is used, but they don’t realize it until it’s too late.

At some points in my life, I wonder how my life would be if I were to be completely alone in this world with everything to myself. Even though this idea is not possible, I think of it because I want to figure out how other humans have shaped me into who I am. If I were to be alone, then there wouldn’t be much to worry about since I would be the rule maker. I would be the one in charge of everything, and this way I will always feel content. But then again when I think about it, I feel like I wouldn’t be happy later on because I would have no one else to interact with. I would not have another figure to lead me into where I am supposed to be at.

This thought leads me into how humans are never going to happy their whole life. They are never really going to live with one emotion their whole life; there will always be ups, downs, turns to the right and left as well. I know in my life so far, I have had so many different feelings and emotions that I have experienced with. When we are all very young we go through mixed emotions because we are all confused and new to the world. We usually end up crying when we don’t get what we want and smile when we do get the things we want. This is just the natural way of telling which emotion expresses what type of feeling we have at the moment.

These emotions tend to change when we are surrounded by different people. The people around us are part of how we act and play our role in front of others. Usually with family and friends we are all content and comfortable while with other figures such as teachers or enemies; we tend to have a different set of emotions. This then sets the tone we have with certain people and shows others how we play our roles with a different set of people. Without interaction between other human species, we wouldn’t have many emotional changes and we would be much different from who we are today.

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