Thursday, November 12, 2009

Hw 21 - Art Project 1

I would say my artwork is like a mirror. It reflects the history and modern times of our society. I chose to create a clock that shows technology and how it has modernized throughout some time. I start with the video game which came out around the late 1950’s. Then it’s the internet which came out in the late 1960’s. After that E commerce came out in the 1970’s. Game systems came out around 1972, cell phones in 1973, digital video in 1975, compact discs in 1982, the minidisc in 1992, digital television in 1993, and at last the e book which came out in the 2000’s. I wouldn’t say this piece of artwork is a hammer because I am not creating many new ideas about what is going on in our modern technological world. I show what is already going on. I guess I use a bit of the hammer because I predict what will happen in the future with the last two pictures; after the e-book I made a brain with a “feed” implanted and for the last one I drew a picture of a robot. I would say most of it was a mirror since it is reflecting what is seen day to day, towards the end it shows a bit of work requiring my handy hammer.

Yes, when looking at my artwork it does make me “fink and theel”. It makes me look at what is going on in our world today. We are all blindfolded with our technology. Will this “blindfold” ever come off? If so what will happen? How will it change us? While creating this piece of artwork I kept asking myself these questions. To be honest I don’t think that this “blindfold” will be coming off anytime soon; and if it does than it would be a miracle. Looking at our society today, we can assume that we cannot live without our digital/electronic devices.

I like the whole clock idea in my artwork. It shows how technology has evolved throughout the years and makes the me think about what kind of impact it has made on us. I showed the hands pointing to the e-book because this is where we are standing at currently. We have a short time left until we will become into a piece of technology ourselves; shouldn’t we be scared?

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