Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hw 8

I like how you are honest throughout your post about how you feel like you are looking stupid in your video. I thought the same about my video as well. If you have a child in the future you will not mind having them spend the same amount of time on electronics like you would. I agree, after looking at you playing on the PSP, it seems like you do not use it often, but decided to use it for your video. I think that there are many parents out there that don’t care about how much time they spend on digital/electronic products; but they should not put it before their education.
It seems like now a days kids have to use these products to do their homework. They use their computers to do their research or type up a paper, and cell phones to text or call friends if they are stuck on a math problem. I know I am one of these people.
I feel like in your video you are not very natural at what you are doing; you are just doing it to do the work. I feel like I wasn’t that great at it either, I may be being hypocritical here but it was sort of uncomfortable to watch your video. For your next video project you should pretend that you are not doing this for an assignment, rather than doing it for fun I guess.
I agree with you, if I have any kids then I would let them spend their time using electronics, but I would not let this affect their education. It was interesting to watch your video and read your thoughts.
Amber M.

You finally got your video and comments up; I like how you explain what you are doing and the thoughts you have while creating this video. It lets me know what your up to, because by watching your video I only get to see you and your face.
You do not understand why you have become so absorbed in all of this technology that surrounds you. It looks like you cannot ignore it at all; you are forced to use it.
Some of the thoughts you had on your post connect to mine. While making my video, I felt like I just had to do it because it was for homework. I wouldn’t have done such a thing if it weren’t an assigned task. When someone watches this video, they only see me using these DRDs; they don’t get to gain any information about the person I am in real life. I feel like there should be a climax point of how much time we should spending using DRDs, and we should learn to control ourselves.
I loved reading all your ideas on this topic, but what distracted me was your grammar mistakes. You should really take a minute to read or skim through your work.
Learning about what people think on how much time they should be spending using DRDs is really interesting. This makes me wonder what should the most and what should the least amount of time be used for using these devices?
It was nice learning about your ideas.
Amber M.

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