Monday, October 19, 2009

Hw 13 - Feed B

Hmmm, it’s hard to look at the book Feed as a piece of artwork; there are a lot of things in my head about the topic that the author discusses. I guess I can picture it as a picture in my mind. Everyone having the Feed implanted in themselves. They cannot live without it. How would this picture differ from the piece of art created when they are using the Feed and have it implanted? If I were to create a piece of artwork I would probably replace the heart in the human with the Feed. In the book it seemed like without it you were not able to function properly at all. Just like what happened to Violet. Since she had the hacker disrupt all her stuff she was in big trouble because this could affect a lot of things in her life; especially the amount of time she had left to live in her world. I don’t have a set idea for my piece of artwork but I know that it would be based on the over usage of the electronics and how it has affected our lives.

I feel like the book was successful in getting its main point through the readers head. The author wanted us to realize what kind of life we live by using different types of electronics a lot throughout that day; almost 24/7 for some people. I agree with this point to some extent. I feel like our future depends on all this now, and it’s getting tougher and tougher day by day. We are depending on all these electronic items more than ever. Everything seems to be done digitally now. The news we receive, doing homework, filling out forms; this is all done online or by digital media usage. For example to register for the SATs we need to have access to a computer, without it there is no other option. Without registering for the SAT how will colleges accept their students, and so on? If there was no digital media access in the world we live in today we would be screwed. But if we think about it from another point this may be actually kind of good for the environment. Since the craze of electronics started I think that we have been using less paper products. For example forms and surveys we fill out online helps save trees since we do not complete them on paper like the old days. There are always pros and cons for everything. In the digital/electronic media topic I think that we should have a limit for such usage and learn to live without it. We should only use it for a certain time and if it is really necessary. After reading the book Feed, I was able to realize how much we depend on such products; which means that yes; this book was pretty successful in getting the main concept through the readers head in my point of view.

I don’t know, I would know better how to answer this question if the author choose to do both; create a film and write a novel about such a topic. I think for me reading it was a good experience because it was able to set in my mind better. I feel like if this topic was made into a film it would be more focused on the characters and all the drama rather than what the main point is. It would become off topic and lead our minds into other things like “OMG he is so hot!” or “Eww what are those things on her body (lesions)?” I felt like when we were reading it we did not get to pay much attention to these types of things because they did not matter and they would divert our attention to what doesn’t matter so much. Creating a website wouldn’t keep us on task much either because it would throw off his whole main point. His main concept is that we use too much of digital/electronic media. If he were to create a website about such a topic then that would make him a hypocrite because we would have to use digital/electronic media to have access to his thoughts and ideas about such a topic. That would make no sense.

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