Monday, October 26, 2009

Treasure Hunting: Hw 15

Hey Andrew,

It was interesting to read about the different researches you did on gamming websites. You like to play on your Xbox 360 and enjoy watching videos on youtube about gaming as well.

Your favorite game of all time is Gears of War 2 and you like to look at your stats on the game. You like the concept of playing against others online and you like to compare your skills on Gears of War 2 with other players.

This connects to other video gamers like you. For example my younger brother also likes to play video games on his PSP. He always wants the latest basketball game out there. Like you, he finds these games very interesting and interacting. It’s actually funny how much time and money one can spend on video gaming just for their own entertainment. A lot of gamers out there do not care at all about the cost of the games or the game counsel. They just take the material up to the cash register, take out their wad of cash or credit card and return to their sanctuary to open up the package and set up the contents. After that it’s all about whose better at playing the game. It’s as if they are hypnotized when purchasing these things; they don’t give a damn about the price. They just want to play the game.

I think that you did a good job on expressing your ideas for homework 10, but you seem to be missing homework’s 11, 12 ,13 and 14. You should post those up soon because that could affect your grade a lot. I am interested in reading more about your thoughts and ideas for each of the homework assignments. One thing you can improve on for homework 10 is maybe do some research on the affects of video games on gamers. Also compare video gamers to TV viewers or people on social networking websites.

After reading your thoughts, I want to go out and buy myself an Xbox 360 and start playing Gears of War 2. I have never played it before and now I want to find out what it’s like to play the actual game. I have heard a lot about it by reading your post.

Well it was nice to read about you and your gaming, till next time.

Amber M.


I found it nice to read your post. You have a lot of thoughts to express in many ways. You use many examples from the real world and movies which help your thoughts brighten up the reader.

To you parallels in Feed are accurate at times and not at others. You use the example of the Swine flu issue to talk about the phenomenon of hype. You use the example of The Titanic to show your readers how we seem to ignore signs at first, but go around screaming our heads off when something hits us hard.

This connects to many other parallels to Feed. In my post I talked about how getting lesions connects to getting plastic surgery. Also how we are always in the need of new products. Many people want to get plastic surgeries so that they can become more “attractive” or look more like a favorite celebrity. In Feed they are always coming across advertisements trying to sell them different materials or the latest thing out there. In our world today we are known for the latest product, and who has which since technology gets better and better day by day.

To sum it up I liked reading your post. To make it better I think that you should have connected the points of Feed to your own life and how you differ or have similarities with it. Also I think you have some assignments missing, you should post those up so it won’t impact your grade much.

After reading about your thoughts on Feed, it makes me consider the points you came across. I agree with most of what you had to say, and this gave me new ideas to build off of as well. Like the Swine Flu and Titanic examples.

It was nice to look at your ideas; I look forward to seeing more.

Amber M.

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