Monday, May 24, 2010

Hwk 58

Part 3:
Parenting, “the most dysfunctional relationship ever” (Plaza). Many parents feel that after they have a child, their life becomes very different compared to how it was before. They now have to take care of another being which is all their own responsibility, who needs full time and attention. Their life is totally changed because before they had a child, all the time they had was given to their own necessities. Now that have welcomed a child into their life, they have to divide their time for themselves and the baby. “Your time is never your own again because you become a slave to the baby” (Marks). I agree with this because before having a child, you are allowed to do whatever you want whenever you want. You are the one that gets to control your own time; you have all the freedom you need. After you have a baby take over your life, you have to start giving it part of your own time. It’s all about commitment and how responsible the parent is. Even though the parent will not want to give all the time they have to their baby, they will be forced to do so because it will be their own child, someone who is a part of them self.

Because we grow up to be so close with each other, the parent and child relationship makes the child used to getting attention. As a baby, we need the attention from others so we can survive and then learn to be on our own. I would say that a baby’s cry is a sign that shows us that there is attention needed by the baby. Whether they need to be fed, a diaper change, or they are sleepy it all means that they need help from their parent figure. This is why later on when the child grows up, it wants to have the approval it needs from other in society as well. “The togetherness force urges us towards others, for attachment, for affiliation, and for approval” (Student in class/Andy?). Because we all grow up with the love from our parents we become used to all this attention. When I asked my mom about her experience when she had to take care of my siblings and I as babies she responded: “It is very tough, they need a constant eye of an older figure, if you take your eye off of them then you will start to worry about them” (Mujeeb). Since babies receive constant attention from others, they grow up with this thirst of approval from others.

Part 4:
Before this unit on parenting, I wasn’t really aware of what one has to go through after they become a parent. I feel like many of us take our parents for granted because we feel like they will always be there for us providing us with their love and care. Taking a part of this unit, I was able to learn about what actually goes on in the life of a parent. After becoming a parent, the adult figure learns about a whole new chapter in life. Their life takes a drastic change after the baby is born, the parents only then learn to give time to another being other than them self with full commitment. Both Ms. Plaza and Mr. Marks told us about their experiences as a parent and the duties that come with a child. They both talked about how struggling it is to raise a child after its birth, but never did they hate being a parent. I don’t think a parent can ever have hatred towards their child, unless if they are cold hearted and cruel. When someone becomes a parent they need to understand that they are the adult figure for their child. They will be the closest figures for their child, and it all depends on them when it comes to how they will be raised. Even though it might be hard at first to become used to the idea, I think all parents will learn to love their child one way or another.

I will definitely look back to these insights from others whenever the time comes for me to become a parent. I have a lot to do before I think of becoming a parent. I need to get my life stabilized and be ready before I even have such a thought. I do not want to take a part of an unplanned parenthood because I feel like I will then regret my decision of becoming a parent. It will take away all the joy a parent gets from their child. I have much more learning and research to do before I become a parent, but this parenting unit was a great start to plan out my life. Throughout this unit, I was able to realize what my parents had to go through when I was younger and how they raised me. It’s a very tough job to be a parent, even though many of us are fooled about the thought of having our own cute baby. Instead we get a slap from reality when we become aware of how hard such a job is. This unit was able to educate me about all the responsibility and love a child needs to grow up properly. I will definitely take all the insights I gained from others when the day I want to become a parent comes around.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hwk 57

Part 1:
There are many different ways kids can be parented. There is no correct way out there that we all have to follow. I don’t think there should be a step by step guide either. All you need to show is love and responsibility towards your child. I think it comes naturally for someone to parent a child. I feel like the love builds up and so does the responsibility because you know that this child is yours and you have the first opportunity of ownership. While the child grows up, the parent becomes more and closer to their child and they start to get used to everything about them. This later on builds love towards the parents and their child. If there are no signs of love and responsibility between the parent/child relationship, then I think there would not be a stable parenthood. There has to be some form of love and responsibility for one to properly parent their child.

When I was younger my parents were not really educated much about parenting. Since my grandparents and the rest of our families were all back in Pakistan, my parents didn’t have much guidance. But I guess the best part of how my siblings and I were parented would probably have to do with us being so close and comfortable with each other. This caused us to become very close knit and we were able to grow up with each other by our side at all times. This is why I believe that my family is the closest thing I have to me, because no matter what they will always be there in both good and bad times. There weren’t many worst parts to how I was being parented; I guess the worst part would be that I wasn’t able to grow up with my extended family beside me at all times. I mean I have visited them a few times back in Pakistan, but other then that we lack some closeness.

Hmmmm, I don’t know really. That is not going to be happening anytime soon, but I am the oldest sibling. I guess that is the closest I can get to parenting at this time in my life. I am usually put in charge of them when my parents are away. Actually a couple of weeks ago I had to “parent” my siblings for three weeks while my parents were away. I guess looking back at that experience; I was a pretty okay “parent”. I wasn’t the best because I’m only a teenager and I have many more things to learn before I actually do become a parent one day; then again there are my own priorities as well. If I were to be put in a parenting position on the spot, I think I would survive but I still have many things I need to learn. I would probably have to refer to my parents and the rest of my family for help.

I think babies should be treated more like puppies instead of adults because they are only new to the world. We need to train them to become adults and this takes time. If we start to treat them like an adult right away, they will have no childhood memory. I think that all youngsters need to be trained into become an adult because they will have no experience at all about learning new things. If a baby is treated like an adult when they are born, they would not be considered as a baby. Even though they would look like a baby on the outside, in reality they would be an adult trapped inside a baby’s body; it just won’t make any sense at all.

Part 2:
I think that this idea of applying the technique of “Love and Logic” is absurd. When the child is open to any direction, and they are in charge of choosing what they want to do, they will become used to this idea. It may sound appealing at first, but later on the parent will regret this decision. The parent is the bigger figure and they need to be the ones that are controlling what their child is supposed to do. When a child is given choices, they will become used to this and try to turn the tables on the parent figure. This will then outsmart the parent. The mother that writes this regrets her decision of giving her kids choices all the times. Because by doing so, she made it harder on her own self and now the kids are only happy with their own way. By having the child make all decisions on their own, they will become more superior when compared to the parent.

The Ferber method is a technique created to solve infant sleeping problems. I agree at many points with this method. It takes slow steps for a baby to go to sleep on their own. I agree with the Ferber’s method because it helps the baby take tiny steps into individuality. They start to become more independent. Even though the child is reminded about their parent, they are becoming independent at the same time. As the baby becomes used to this process, he/she will slowly start to sleep on their own. This method works in my mind because it makes sense for something to go slow paced so that the individual can become used to it and keep it going at continuously. In this case the baby is used to their parent checking in on them at certain times in a night while they go to bed, but they are expected to sleep on their own. I don’t know how well this method works though. There are many babies out there that will cry throughout the whole night for their parent figure to come and take care of them, but I do like the idea of it.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Hwk 56

My revised question: Why do some people care more about the approval from others like family and friends instead of their own approval?

Part 1:

1. Do you feel closer with your family or friends? In what ways do you feel you are closer to them?
2. Who do you rely on the most, and what causes you to do so?
3. How do you know when you have gotten the approval of others? How does this make you feel?
4. Do you ever approve of yourself, or do you let the approval of others take over?
5. Do you feel comfortable when getting the approval you need from others, or do you just do it to make them happy, but you suffer?
6. What is the furthest you have gone to receive the approval you need from others or yourself? Did you feel comfortable with this decision?

Part 2:

Q: Do you feel closer with your family or friends? In what ways do you feel you are closer to them?
A: I feel like I am closer to both my family and friends in different ways. My family comes first obviously, because they know me the best and they had to put up with me my whole life. They are always there for me no matter what. I am close to my friends as well because I am able to make more connections with them. I am able to discuss different topics about life with them that I usually wouldn’t be able to discuss with my family.

Q: Do you ever approve of yourself, or do you let the approval of others take over?
A: That’s a hard question, because no one wants to come out and say they want the affirmation of others. But for me I do stuff for the approval of those who influence me, but sometimes I want the approval of myself as well, so I can also have a say. My thoughts are always included in my final decision.

Q: What is the furthest you have gone to receive the approval you need from others or yourself? Did you feel comfortable with this decision?
A: I have felt once in my life that I have done something that was uncomfortable, or not who I was to please another. I would say labeling also has to do with approval from others, for example my family labels me as their good and responsible daughter. But I know it’s for my own good to succeed in life.

Q: Do you feel closer with your family or friends? In what ways do you feel you are closer to them?
A: Most of the time I feel closer with my friends. I can tell them things I do not always feel I can tell my parents. It just seems like my friends would be ok with something that my parents wouldn’t be.

Q: Who do you rely on the most, and what causes you to do so?
A: I rely on different people for different things. Mostly though I would say I rely on my friends and my sister. My friends and my sister are people that I can talk to who won’t judge me and be supportive and be there in good and not so good times.

Q: Do you ever approve of yourself, or do you let the approval of others take over?
A: I care about what other people think yes. My friends opinion count more than other peoples. But overall I think it’s important that a person likes who they are themselves not based off of what other people say or want.

Q: Do you feel closer with your family or friends? In what ways do you feel you are closer to them?
A: Yeah...I feel like I am close with both of them because both my family and friends are a part of my life and make me who I am. If I had to choose I would say that my family is closer in a way because they are there for me at anytime I need them. In an official way, friends are important and closer as well because they always consolidate me in both good and bad times. I love both, my family and friends very much.

Q: Do you ever approve of yourself, or do you let the approval of others take over?
A: Oh, of coarse...I approve of myself if I feel like I am making the right decision for myself. I don’t think people should only try to receive the approval from others because then they have no right to live their own way. They should always stand up for what they feel is right, and they shouldn’t let the approval from others get in their way, which will cause them to make the wrong decision.

Q: Do you feel comfortable when getting the approval you need from others, or do you just do it to make them happy, but you suffer?
A: I feel much comfortable with my own approval first, because if I don’t get the approval I need from others on a decision I am making based off of my approval, I will force them to agree with me giving them reasons to do so. I guess that’s just me though, since I am a pretty straightforward person…

Part 3:

I would say that most of the responses I got on my questions were how I would reply to someone with the same questions. For me my family always comes first before my friends, but my friends are people that I would have a hard time to live without, so I need them to be there as well. I guess in our age we need support from our friends because they are struggling with the same difficulties we all go through. Most of the answers I got on my questions were expected, but there were times where people had different say. Some people felt they were closer with their families, while others said that they were closer with their friends. A lot of people said they felt closer with their family since they are there for them at all times; I would agree with them as well. Connecting my responses to my research question: Why do some people care more about the approval from others like family and friends instead of their own approval? I would say it’s because we are not aware that we have a say as well. We live in a culture that makes us feel that our approval is nothing when compared to the approval of others.

Part 4:

Whose approval matters to you the most; your family, your friends, or yourself?

Monday, May 10, 2010

Hwk 55

Part 1:
What are some reasons people tend to be more concerned about the approval of strangers instead of family?

Part 2:
I think your questions are pretty interesting; I especially like this question of yours: “Why are we so scared to let people see the real us that we allow ourselves to be taken over by the persona we put forth?” It’s a good question to get information on since we see it happen in our lives everyday. How will you be gathering all the evidence needed on this topic? I feel like if you were to ask strangers on the street this question, they would start to state their opinions. How will you get some facts to figure out an answer to this problem? I think you should create a survey for students to fill out and maybe do a few interviews with close friends. You can also try to find some articles on such a topic. I think you are headed in the right direction, hope you get all the supporting evidence you need.

I like the topic you have chosen. Not many people seem to dig deeper into these dating websites and how it creates the chemistry between two people who don’t know much about each other at first. Your question: “how does online dating and compatibility matches create a lasting relationship for a couple?” seems to be in the works of coming out with a better question. I think you need to revise this question so it can be less opinionated and more of a statement. You are assuming that all internet dating websites create matches that will last forever. There is always going to be a case where these matches don’t workout, and users on these websites are just experimenting. A question that I want to suggest you is: Do people become members of dating websites because they want love or do they use it as an excuse for attention? I think that you have a good question, but you need to do some revising. Hope this helps.

Part 3:
Keegan, John. "Who Are You Seeking Approval From?." March 10, 2010 / 11:28 pm: n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

This article is written by a dating coach. He talks about how we all have the desire to be approved by others. At times many of us tend to over do this and it can cause negative effects: “But we can often fall into the unhealthy frame of trying to win the other person over, and in so doing we may ingratiate or attempt to build rapport with others that we have not properly qualified.” (Keegan). The author compares us to a prize that is trying to get won. I think this article will come in handy for when I am introducing my topic to the reader, and I will use some quotes to back up my argument; proving that we always tend to worry about showing our self off to strangers rather than our family.

"Stop Seeking the Approval of Others." (2008): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

This article talks about how the human race requires itself to have approval from others. It’s something that we are supposed to do. It later on looks at this situation from an alternative stand point and tries to prove the reader that we don’t require to have any approval from others except our self. “A man cannot be comfortable without his own approval.” (Twain, Mark). I think I will use this article in an alternative piece in my paper where I talk about how we don’t really need the approval of others. We tend to make assumptions, but in reality we can live without the approval of others, and learn to accept our own approval which matters the most.

"Seeking Approval." n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

“…this need to follow someone else’s standards; this constant urge of seeking approval from others. Usually it’s from parents or other close acquaintances…” The author of this article wants to show the reader that there is nothing more important then the approval of yourself. This makes our life only meaningful to make others content, while we are all struggling to keep up with every ones approvals towards our self. When we rely on the approval of others, we are not able to think for ourselves, instead we rely on others. I think I will use this article to go against my essential question and make the reader realize whose approval matters the most. I want the reader to take away the main point, which is not about the approval from others, but about the approval from the self.

"Relying on Others." (2010): n. pag. Web. 12 May 2010. .

In this article, the reader can become aware about how we are always in the need of relying on others. We seem to be relying on others way too much and we have become really used to doing so. We are always relying on someone other than our self because we like to absorb all the attention we receive from others. I think I will use this to back up my argument about reliance on the self. That is what should matter the most to us, yet we don’t realize this at the moment. What will happen if the whole human race were to die and you were the only one to be able to live, how will one survive?

Hwk 54

Myers-Briggs Test:
Extroverted (E) 50% Introverted (I) 50%
Sensing (S) 55.56% Intuitive (N) 44.44%
Feeling (F) 52.78% Thinking (T) 47.22%
Judging (J) 60% Perceiving (P) 40%

Your type is: ESFJ

ESFJ - "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.

By taking this survey I was able to figure out details about my self that I don't pay close attention to. I agree with my results in all categories; most of them are around the 50/50 breaking point because I feel like i'm the type of person who can have two sides to me depending on my mood and the place I am in. I feel like I can be outgoing and socially confident on some days, while on others I like to sit back and stay to my self. I can be pretty sensing at times since I am influenced by my emotions. When it comes to feeling and thinking, I would say I refer to my feeling more than my thinking. That's because I like to go with what makes me feel comfortable and this is why I follow my feeling. If something does not feel right for me, then chances are I wouldn't feel comfortable doing it. I'm not too sure about the judging vs. perceiving category because I feel like it depends on the environment I am in and what I am experiencing at the time. I found it surprising that only 12.3% of the total population has the same results as me. It makes me feel unique :)

When receiving the results from this test, one is able to figure out the type of category they fit in as a human being. Since the test is split up into different categories, I feel like the results for some categories are a bit more accurate than the other ones. There are some categories that many people can predict on their own as well. For example when looking at the first category which is between one being extroverted or introverted, it is easy to tell which person fits which one. When someone is very loud and social you can tell that they are extroverted. While when someone is quiet and keeps to themselves, they will be able to fit the introverted category perfectly. This can help you determine how many relationships you may be open to. If someone results as an extroverted character, they will more likely have a lot more relations with friends and family members, if you are resulted as introverted then you will only have close relations with a few. There are times when we look at someone and think they may have resulted higher in a certain category, when in reality it’s the opposite. For example, it is not very easy to predict if someone is judging or perceiving. That’s because it is not easily seen from the outside view. You either have to be very close with them, or be that person to know. At the end of the day, we should just all learn to “celebrate the differences.”

Big Five Test:
I wanted to take this test, but the page is not opening on my computer :/

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Hwk 53

While taking this survey I was in deep thought thinking about each of the questions while answering them. All the questions I answered related to me in one way or another, but I never seem to realize much about it. It’s something that is just there and I can relate with, but taking the survey makes me think more about all the questions I answered. I was able to take some time and actually think about my family and friends and what I believe in. I feel like I don’t even know my self that much, but after taking the survey I was able to gain more insights about my self that I was not aware of before. I think it was a nice way to make me aware of my surroundings and take some time out to think of topics that are not usually thought about on a daily basis. I feel like I answered all of the questions pretty honestly and this is why I was able to learn more about myself. Some questions that made me stop and think were the ones about my family, even though I was able to answer right away I was able to create some thoughts about what I was asked. It was a nice way to figure out where I stand in all aspects of my life.

While discussing the survey results in class there were many different insights from students gained on different sections of the survey. Cindy noticed that the results on the family section of the survey seemed too good to be true. “The statistics were of a TV show family.” (Cindy). I agree with Cindy on that comment because I feel like many of us don’t really seem to care much about our family these days. I’m not saying that I am a part of this because I personally am very close to my family and care about them very much. After looking over the results for the family section, I thought about it for a few minutes and it seemed to me that these results were just not clicking in. I feel like people now days don’t seem to have to have much respect for their families and want to be on their own so they can have their independence. They don’t seem to show much love or affection for the people they are blood related to. I think I was similar to some results of this survey, but not all of it. At some points while reviewing the results I felt like a lot of people were either not being honest or they just like to make others believe something that they honestly do not engage in doing so, just so they can fit in with the crowd. For example, the questions about being drunk or using illegal drugs; the majority of the answers were leaning towards no, which to me seems funny. A lot of people in our school act like they are used to committing such acts, but I feel like they are either pressured into doing it or they just say they have been a part of such an act, yet in reality they are just trying to patch up the truth.

After viewing the results in the 2007 National Youth Risk Behavior Survey I was able to compare with the results from our school survey. When looking at the topics related to alcohol and drug use, it can be seen that the results in our class survey are unlikely to be true. The results in the survey about youth risk behavior seem to be more accurate and are answered more honestly. 40.4% of the 51 kids who took the school survey state that they have never been drunk. The answers in the other survey state that 75% of the people taking have had an alcoholic drink once in their life time. Even though there is a difference between being drunk and having an alcoholic drink, I think that the results in our school survey are not very accurate. Another question that I compared was the one about being sexually active. In the results of our school survey, 17.3% say that they are sexually active. Looking at the results in the youth risk behavior survey, 47.8% of the students have had sexual intercourse. This shows that not many people in the class survey were being honest. If they were being honest, they seem to cover up the truth just so they can fit in with the crowd and be known as something they are truly not. I was expecting a higher percentage of students to be sexually active in the class survey because of the vibes I receive from many people in our school. A similarity I noticed between the school survey and the youth behavior survey was the results for the questions about drug use. In the school survey, 53.8% of the survey takers stated that they have never used illegal drugs. In the Youth behavior survey, 38.1% of the students said they have used Marijuana once or more in their lifetime. I feel like these results are accurate since the percentages make sense. There are many comparisons and differentiations that can be seen between these two sets of results. I think that the results for the school survey are less accurate compared to the results in the behavior survey because of some of the percentage gaps.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Hwk 52

Yes I agree, this is an impossible assignment since there are countless things that can be thought about when thinking of people. The different roles we play: love, friendship, family, power; these are just some of the topics that involve people. Most of what people think is the outcome of how they were raised and what type of society they lived in. One thing I feel that no one in this world can live without is love, whether it is the love received from our parents or an intimate relationship you may have with someone. Without love there is no reason for one to live, they will feel that they are nothing to this world so they will tend to feel faded which will give them no account of living. When we are born, we are all usually given love from our parental figure, which is supposed to be given throughout our whole life. When this love is not given to the young in a proper form it tends to cause problems in the future. For example the child will grow up feeling alienated and not loved by anyone else. This may lead to suicidal thoughts at some point in their life.They will start to make the wrong decisions because there will be no adult figure to guide them. There needs to be some form of love received in each individual’s life. Even though it is usually given by family and friends, there are some rare cases where love is shown to the young child through a different form.

Feral children are great examples of how one cannot live a normal life without receiving any type of love. Oxana Malaya is a feral child who grew up with the accompaniment of dogs. Her alcoholic parents had left her abandoned in the backyard where a pack of dogs had come to raise her. Even though Oxana was given love from these dogs taking care of her, she was not given proper love she was supposed to get from her parents. Since she was raised by dogs, she is now a dog trapped in the body of a human being. This is the outcome when the correct form of love is not received by one. Love is something that shapes us all into who we are; it is usually the first thing we experience when we are born.

I feel that humans have all sides to them. They share all types of emotions and thoughts; this is why they are connected to each other in many ways. This is why we tend to gain envy and selfishness with each other. We envy each other for the same reasons, for example relationships or anything that may matter a lot to one. There is always a feel of selfishness for every human living. Every human only shows their kind gestures towards others only so they can be seen as the better person. Humans only live to determine where they will end up in the future. I feel like all the gestures I make towards other humans only makes others look at me and notice how well I am creating my character. The only people that are the most guaranteed to stay with me throughout my whole life will is my family. Other than them I will always doubt my relations with people I am not blood related with.

Humans are made to use other humans; it’s just our code and our way of living. The way I was raised made me believe that living life is a huge test, and one day we will all be evaluated. I feel like we are all using each other to be better compared to these others. We learn from the others and use what we learned as a gesture to make our self seem “better”. There is no one way to live life, everybody is obligated to their own way of living but they need to realize that at the end they will have no one but their self left. And they will not be able to get any help from anyone else, the only source they will have would be them self. This is why I feel that everybody is used, but they don’t realize it until it’s too late.

At some points in my life, I wonder how my life would be if I were to be completely alone in this world with everything to myself. Even though this idea is not possible, I think of it because I want to figure out how other humans have shaped me into who I am. If I were to be alone, then there wouldn’t be much to worry about since I would be the rule maker. I would be the one in charge of everything, and this way I will always feel content. But then again when I think about it, I feel like I wouldn’t be happy later on because I would have no one else to interact with. I would not have another figure to lead me into where I am supposed to be at.

This thought leads me into how humans are never going to happy their whole life. They are never really going to live with one emotion their whole life; there will always be ups, downs, turns to the right and left as well. I know in my life so far, I have had so many different feelings and emotions that I have experienced with. When we are all very young we go through mixed emotions because we are all confused and new to the world. We usually end up crying when we don’t get what we want and smile when we do get the things we want. This is just the natural way of telling which emotion expresses what type of feeling we have at the moment.

These emotions tend to change when we are surrounded by different people. The people around us are part of how we act and play our role in front of others. Usually with family and friends we are all content and comfortable while with other figures such as teachers or enemies; we tend to have a different set of emotions. This then sets the tone we have with certain people and shows others how we play our roles with a different set of people. Without interaction between other human species, we wouldn’t have many emotional changes and we would be much different from who we are today.