Monday, October 26, 2009

Treasure Hunting: Hw 15

Hey Andrew,

It was interesting to read about the different researches you did on gamming websites. You like to play on your Xbox 360 and enjoy watching videos on youtube about gaming as well.

Your favorite game of all time is Gears of War 2 and you like to look at your stats on the game. You like the concept of playing against others online and you like to compare your skills on Gears of War 2 with other players.

This connects to other video gamers like you. For example my younger brother also likes to play video games on his PSP. He always wants the latest basketball game out there. Like you, he finds these games very interesting and interacting. It’s actually funny how much time and money one can spend on video gaming just for their own entertainment. A lot of gamers out there do not care at all about the cost of the games or the game counsel. They just take the material up to the cash register, take out their wad of cash or credit card and return to their sanctuary to open up the package and set up the contents. After that it’s all about whose better at playing the game. It’s as if they are hypnotized when purchasing these things; they don’t give a damn about the price. They just want to play the game.

I think that you did a good job on expressing your ideas for homework 10, but you seem to be missing homework’s 11, 12 ,13 and 14. You should post those up soon because that could affect your grade a lot. I am interested in reading more about your thoughts and ideas for each of the homework assignments. One thing you can improve on for homework 10 is maybe do some research on the affects of video games on gamers. Also compare video gamers to TV viewers or people on social networking websites.

After reading your thoughts, I want to go out and buy myself an Xbox 360 and start playing Gears of War 2. I have never played it before and now I want to find out what it’s like to play the actual game. I have heard a lot about it by reading your post.

Well it was nice to read about you and your gaming, till next time.

Amber M.


I found it nice to read your post. You have a lot of thoughts to express in many ways. You use many examples from the real world and movies which help your thoughts brighten up the reader.

To you parallels in Feed are accurate at times and not at others. You use the example of the Swine flu issue to talk about the phenomenon of hype. You use the example of The Titanic to show your readers how we seem to ignore signs at first, but go around screaming our heads off when something hits us hard.

This connects to many other parallels to Feed. In my post I talked about how getting lesions connects to getting plastic surgery. Also how we are always in the need of new products. Many people want to get plastic surgeries so that they can become more “attractive” or look more like a favorite celebrity. In Feed they are always coming across advertisements trying to sell them different materials or the latest thing out there. In our world today we are known for the latest product, and who has which since technology gets better and better day by day.

To sum it up I liked reading your post. To make it better I think that you should have connected the points of Feed to your own life and how you differ or have similarities with it. Also I think you have some assignments missing, you should post those up so it won’t impact your grade much.

After reading about your thoughts on Feed, it makes me consider the points you came across. I agree with most of what you had to say, and this gave me new ideas to build off of as well. Like the Swine Flu and Titanic examples.

It was nice to look at your ideas; I look forward to seeing more.

Amber M.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Hw 14 - Second Text

The main arguments of the texts read were the usage of video games, reading and how we interpret what is playing on the screen in front of us (television). There were different ways the author presented every concept to the reader. He showed both point of views, why these things may be bad, then again he talks about how they are doing good for us as well. In the first reading about television and its effects talks about different television series and how all viewers interpret what they are watching. When we are watching these shows on TV we need to figure out ourselves what’s going on or what’s going to happen next. If we were to have arrows pointing to different materials on set stating what they are there for or what they will cause to happen next then no viewer would enjoy watching TV. When we are watching TV questions arise while the show or movie is playing that’s what causes the suspense and this is what urges us to keep watching the whole series or movie. If there were to be arrows pointing out telling us what would happen next then it would not be enjoyable at all. Some not so great things about watching TV is all the violence and sexual activity viewed compared to how movies and shows were back then. It has changed a lot for the worse because much of this content is not appropriate for half of its viewers. Another topic in this reading is TV and how it compares to video games and also how they differ from one another considering which is more passive and the degrees of passivity. Another concept is when the watchers are viewing TV, they are looking at things that others are going through or experiencing on the screen. The viewer has nothing to do with it; yet they are sitting there watching and seem to be in the characters business. In this excerpt the viewing of TV is compared to reading text.

In the excerpt about reading compared to video games the author talks about how video games help us interact with other, for example playing with your friends or playing online against another player half way around the world. When we are reading we are only interacting with the text; it’s only yourself and the text present; this is why the author says that reading isolates you. Also how reading is planned out for you, you are not able to change anything like the plot or the setting. Compared to playing video games there are more rewards with reading. He also talks about the concept of how playing video games is like you are not in the real world. Video games seem to help with hand eye coordination; but then again they promote aggression and violent responses to conflict. He states that readers are active and reading stimulates the senses while video gamers are wasting their time.

Reading these excerpts gave me many reactions. I agreed with much of the author has to say. I feel like reading compared to playing video games is much more helpful and gives you many rewards at the end. When playing video games we may be improving hand eye coordination but is that very useful in the life we live today? I feel like the competition these days is who got into the better school or college, or who choose a better career path. The “rewards” you get with playing video games have nothing that will help you with the competition. The concept he talks about in the excerpt about television also connects with what I think. He is right, we as viewers watching a movie or a TV show will not have any interest or “fun” when “arrows” are pointing out what’s happening in the story. It’s the thoughts and questions that we create in our mind that keep the interest. I agree that that there is too much violence and sexual contents in most of the shows and movies we watch; it’s actually a surprise when one or the other doesn’t happen in a movie or TV show. TV never improves skills like text does: I agree with this as well because watching TV is looking at images and hearing words being said. When you are reading the text, it is written out and we are able to look at the vocabulary in front of us.

Readers seem to be more active compared to viewers of TV or gamers of video games? I don’t know, I think that it all depends on the game, show, movie or book that is being read or viewed. If you are viewing or reading something that is nonsense and has no impact to your life than how would this make you active? If you are reading or viewing something that really matters than I still feel like it all depends on the material. If it’s something that makes viewers or readers travel than they will be more active; but if the movie or book is about someone’s life story than how would that make one active? When watching television nothing seems to change in the viewer’s life; they are just looking at what is going on in the characters life. Also when the author talks about playing video games he says that we are not in the real world when we are playing. I agree with this; when we are using electronics we seem to be lost in another planet. We do not know what’s going on with our senses until the electronic device is shut off; that’s when we realize that we had been drooling for half an hour.

This excerpt connects and disconnects with what the author of Feed has to say. They both talk about the usage of electronics and how they are making our world today better and worse. In Feed the author exceeds the concept of digitalization and how it is making our world worst since we are all exceeding the limits of electronic usage. I agree with somewhat of what the author of Feed has to say. In Everything Bad is Good for You, the author talks about electronic usage and how it compares to educational materials like reading text. He doesn’t seem to exceed the usage of electronics and how it will destruct our world in the near future; instead he talks about it in the way it is in the modern world today. Playing video games and watching TV are not doing much for us but reading is much more helpful for our future. I agree with this but it all depends on the material being viewed or read. Both authors are concerned about the usage of electronics and express it in different ways. The author of Feed takes the concept to a whole new level, while the other author stays on the same page as many of its readers. I think that both texts make a good affect on its readers; I know it does for me.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Hw 13 - Feed B

Hmmm, it’s hard to look at the book Feed as a piece of artwork; there are a lot of things in my head about the topic that the author discusses. I guess I can picture it as a picture in my mind. Everyone having the Feed implanted in themselves. They cannot live without it. How would this picture differ from the piece of art created when they are using the Feed and have it implanted? If I were to create a piece of artwork I would probably replace the heart in the human with the Feed. In the book it seemed like without it you were not able to function properly at all. Just like what happened to Violet. Since she had the hacker disrupt all her stuff she was in big trouble because this could affect a lot of things in her life; especially the amount of time she had left to live in her world. I don’t have a set idea for my piece of artwork but I know that it would be based on the over usage of the electronics and how it has affected our lives.

I feel like the book was successful in getting its main point through the readers head. The author wanted us to realize what kind of life we live by using different types of electronics a lot throughout that day; almost 24/7 for some people. I agree with this point to some extent. I feel like our future depends on all this now, and it’s getting tougher and tougher day by day. We are depending on all these electronic items more than ever. Everything seems to be done digitally now. The news we receive, doing homework, filling out forms; this is all done online or by digital media usage. For example to register for the SATs we need to have access to a computer, without it there is no other option. Without registering for the SAT how will colleges accept their students, and so on? If there was no digital media access in the world we live in today we would be screwed. But if we think about it from another point this may be actually kind of good for the environment. Since the craze of electronics started I think that we have been using less paper products. For example forms and surveys we fill out online helps save trees since we do not complete them on paper like the old days. There are always pros and cons for everything. In the digital/electronic media topic I think that we should have a limit for such usage and learn to live without it. We should only use it for a certain time and if it is really necessary. After reading the book Feed, I was able to realize how much we depend on such products; which means that yes; this book was pretty successful in getting the main concept through the readers head in my point of view.

I don’t know, I would know better how to answer this question if the author choose to do both; create a film and write a novel about such a topic. I think for me reading it was a good experience because it was able to set in my mind better. I feel like if this topic was made into a film it would be more focused on the characters and all the drama rather than what the main point is. It would become off topic and lead our minds into other things like “OMG he is so hot!” or “Eww what are those things on her body (lesions)?” I felt like when we were reading it we did not get to pay much attention to these types of things because they did not matter and they would divert our attention to what doesn’t matter so much. Creating a website wouldn’t keep us on task much either because it would throw off his whole main point. His main concept is that we use too much of digital/electronic media. If he were to create a website about such a topic then that would make him a hypocrite because we would have to use digital/electronic media to have access to his thoughts and ideas about such a topic. That would make no sense.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hw 12 - Feed A

In class my group was able to make many parallels to feed and the environment we live in today. There are many similarities between the two. I feel like in the book they make everything seem very exaggerated and bad. I mean yes sometimes we do over use electronics, but it’s not like we all use it 24/7. In feed if you have a feed installed then you are using it all day all night. In fact you can have your dreams in your feed. In the actual world we live in today it’s not like that. We can stay up all night using the technology surrounding us, but we are not able to have dreams in them. We do not have people automatically popping up and talking to us if we have a problem. If you have the feed they seem to automatically come to you. In the world today you have to go to them and ask for help. The people talking automatically on the feeds were usually people trying to sell items, or helping you if you have any technical problems. I guess this connects to ads that we come across when we are online. They are always there making us buy items that we may not even need.

One connection my group talked about between feed and our modern world would be getting plastic surgery and the lesions that they were constantly getting. While reading the book we thought that having a lesion was really disgusting, and we thought why would anyone ever want to do that to themselves? In the book, it was usually the girls getting lesions so that they can show them off to the boys. It somehow made them seem sexy or something. It’s the same thing with plastic surgery, or any type of unnecessary surgery like liposuction. If you think about it you are getting other people to cut you open and fix the way you look so you can look more “attractive”. The real question here is what is attractive to you? Some may say that you are attractive if you are looking a certain way, some may say the opposite. Getting surgery done to make yourself look better is just like getting lesions. It is not necessary at all.

Another comparison between the real world and feed is getting the feed in their world and getting the latest products in our world today. This is something we also discussed in our group conversation. In the book if you had the feed than you were considered to have a very high standard and you were rich because getting the feed was not something cheap. In the world we live in we buy the latest products to keep our standards up, and they are not that cheap either. For example the I pod, there are many types out there but what counts is which one you have. Do you have the latest one out there or do you have the old one. Now a days it seems like you are known by which I pod you have or what type of technology you use. If you have the old one than one may think of you differently compared to if you were to have the latest I pod, one that is fresh on the market. These days you are known for your technology. For example the Mac commercials, they show that if you have a PC you are a nerd and have a complicated life, and if you own a Mac then you are cool and an easy going person. It’s very surprising how technology can control so many things in our life, just like it does in the world of feed.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Experiment...

The experiment: Watching television and reading a book for half an hour and jotting down my thoughts and feelings afterward…

After watching television for half an hour I just felt the same way I felt before. I guess I was more relaxed now since I got time to just sit down and enjoy some time without doing anything educational. I think it depends what you are watching to make you have certain thoughts and feelings. For example right now nothing interesting was on so I just tuned onto Disney Channel. That’s a channel that I watch at times since I was a little kid. Right now I just finished watching an episode of Hannah Montana. I think the show is okay, I just watched it to make time go faster and at the same time get my mind off of the things that I should be worrying about. For example “OMG what am I doing? I should be typing up that paper that’s due on Friday (Manley’s class).” If I were to be watching a reality show then I would have learned about the experiences of another person whom I do not know, only by the use of DRDs I do. After watching such a show I may think about what may be going through their mind and how they should deal with a certain situation. If I were to be watching a show on National Geographic it would be considered education friendly since I am learning about things that are good to know. Overall after watching television it usually lets me relax and takes my mind off of stuff that I would be worrying about for a certain amount of time. It gives me a “break.”

I am reading the book Interpreter of Maladies by Jhumpa Lahiri. I started reading it since yesterday in Manley’s class when he wanted us to do some independent reading. I didn’t have a book so I just picked this out from his library. Since I started reading it, I think that it is an interesting book. After reading for half an hour I felt relaxed in a good way. I feel the same way I did after watching TV. While reading the book I was able to relax and get away from the world surrounding me, I guess that’s a bit too strong for explaining what I was doing but it’s close to it. Usually adults say that reading a book is better than watching television since it’s related to education and it will make us “stronger readers.” I think that’s something they just say because they think that that’s what they are supposed to say. What if I were to be reading a book about something as useless as wasting my time watching TV? Would they still prefer reading over watching TV? I don’t know, but I guess people just say what they have to say but don’t seem to think about what they are saying. To be honest after reading this good book for half an hour I felt the same way as I did half an hour before after watching TV. I was relaxed and was able to get back to the work I should have been doing (homework).

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Hwk 10

Web surfing:

Wow, it’s really unbelievable that most of our generation is spending more than 20 hours a week online on websites such as Facebook and Myspace. This is such a waste of precious time, but how will they all understand this? Many of these kids are online during early morning hours, which causes them all to have small amounts of sleep. This leads to them being tired in school, colleges, and even the jobs they are working at. I agree with the quote “children being "raised online", because this is absolutely true. Our generation has started the usage of computers at a very young age. Parents need to be concerned behalf of their teenagers since they do not know what websites they are visiting behind their backs.

“The report found 57% of children have reported having come into contact with pornography on the internet, most of it accidentally such as in the form of pop-up adverts, and a quarter had received pornographic spam (junk emails).” What is going on in this world today? Even a computer, something that sits in almost every teenager’s house is something that we should be careful of. There needs to be more parenting in what teenagers are doing on the computers these days, and companies putting up ads have to consider the fact that much of the population online is teenagers.

Cell Phone Radiation:

It’s really hard to believe that we are harming our health using electronics such as cell phones. “As of August 2005, there were more than 2 billion users worldwide.” That’s a lot of people that own cell phones and may not be aware that they are putting themselves at risk for so many things such as thermal effects to the head. The usage of a cell phone causes the temperature of the head increase by a fraction of the degree.

“Swedish researchers from Lund University (Salford, Brun, Perrson, Eberhardt, and Malmgren) have studied the effects of microwave radiation on the rat brain. They found a leakage of albumin into the brain via a permeated blood-brain barrier.”

“Some users of mobile handsets have reported feeling several unspecific symptoms during and after its use; ranging from burning and tingling sensations in the skin of the head and extremities, fatigue, sleep disturbances, dizziness, loss of mental attention, reaction times and memory retentiveness, headaches, malaise, tachycardia (heart palpitations), to disturbances of the digestive system. Reports have noted that all of these symptoms can also be attributed to stress and that current research cannot separate the symptoms from nocebo effects.”
It’s very surprising that so many of us around the world are using a device that can do so much harm to all of us. Will our whole generation die because of all these harmful effects just because of a device that sits in our pockets at all times. Calling for us to check any messages waiting to be received. It is such a disappointment that not many of these customers know that such things are taking place. They will find out about the effects in the future; and it will be too late to solve any of the problems they face.

Racial Divisions between Facebook and Myspace:

Even though I have noticed this throughout the years I have used Facebook and Myspace, finally I am doing some research on this topic. Other than myself, many others see Facebook to be used mostly by the White people, while Myspace is usually used by the Black people. Even though the modern world today is trying to make all racial differences disappear in thin air, it seems like it still lingers within the air we breathe.

Not only are there racial differences between social networking websites, the language among them is different as well. “The teachers’ language was: ‘It’s a highly diverse school and all of the classes are deeply integrated, and there are no problems with race.’ That was the meta narrative. When you talk to the students, they say, ‘Well, this area is called Disneyland and that’s where the white kids hang out, and that’s the Ghetto, where the black kids hang out.” It’s really surprising to see that even though we live so close to each other we are almost living like we are in different countries. The websites we visit and the way we speak all control how we are defined by others.

Hwk 9


Thanks for having honest opinions about my post; they will definitely help me for next time. You pointed out that I should talk about these issues on others, but what was more helpful was that you said that everyone feels weird when looking at a video of themselves. Next time we do a video project I will remember to keep that in mind.
While writing my post and creating my video, I was trying to focus on how I feel like I am a totally different person when I look at myself using DRDs. Without it I feel like it gives me a new identity. But technology keeps getting better and better, and we all need it in our lives either for our entertainment or to keep our jobs and keep our grades up in school. Even though I feel like a different person when I am using these devices, I know that it is hard to live without them because for me they control my future and determine where I will end up later on in life.
When looking at our videos posted up online, we feel weird, like we are looking not at ourselves, rather someone else. We both can’t seem to live without DRDs but we should not waste all our time on it either.
Looking at both of our comments we have a lot of similar ideas. Technology is going to keep existing generation after generation, and it’s going to keep getting better year after year. We all need to learn how to manage our time using these devices.
It was nice reading your thoughts on my post, till next time.

Amber M.


It’s ok for this time, but please post sooner next time I like how you relate to many of the ideas I have and elaborate on them. It really shows that we are both on the same page here. We both seem to zone out while using these devices but by some distraction we come back to life again.
It helps me when you say that I need to talk more about how multi tasking with 2 devices can differ from using just one. Also, you pointed out that I should elaborate on how the use of DRDs will make us depend on them in the future later on. I think that this is already taking place right now, don’t you think so?
I was focused on how I look and feel while I was creating this video for our homework assignment. I wanted my readers to put themselves in my position and feel the way I was feeling at the time so that they would really be able to understand all my thoughts and ideas throughout my post. You point out that I should expand more on how all of this will impact our future. I will keep that in mind for next time, even though I feel like I talked about it a little.
It looks like we both stand in the same place here, but we both want to know how this will change our future. Will we be depending on it more later on, because I feel like we already do that today? I guess we will have to wait to answer this question…
Both of us seem to be really interested in this topic and want some answers soon. I think that all of the answers depend on our experiences which lead us into our own thoughts and ideas. How do you feel that our experiences lead to how we interpret this whole concept?
Till next time,

Amber M.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hw 8

I like how you are honest throughout your post about how you feel like you are looking stupid in your video. I thought the same about my video as well. If you have a child in the future you will not mind having them spend the same amount of time on electronics like you would. I agree, after looking at you playing on the PSP, it seems like you do not use it often, but decided to use it for your video. I think that there are many parents out there that don’t care about how much time they spend on digital/electronic products; but they should not put it before their education.
It seems like now a days kids have to use these products to do their homework. They use their computers to do their research or type up a paper, and cell phones to text or call friends if they are stuck on a math problem. I know I am one of these people.
I feel like in your video you are not very natural at what you are doing; you are just doing it to do the work. I feel like I wasn’t that great at it either, I may be being hypocritical here but it was sort of uncomfortable to watch your video. For your next video project you should pretend that you are not doing this for an assignment, rather than doing it for fun I guess.
I agree with you, if I have any kids then I would let them spend their time using electronics, but I would not let this affect their education. It was interesting to watch your video and read your thoughts.
Amber M.

You finally got your video and comments up; I like how you explain what you are doing and the thoughts you have while creating this video. It lets me know what your up to, because by watching your video I only get to see you and your face.
You do not understand why you have become so absorbed in all of this technology that surrounds you. It looks like you cannot ignore it at all; you are forced to use it.
Some of the thoughts you had on your post connect to mine. While making my video, I felt like I just had to do it because it was for homework. I wouldn’t have done such a thing if it weren’t an assigned task. When someone watches this video, they only see me using these DRDs; they don’t get to gain any information about the person I am in real life. I feel like there should be a climax point of how much time we should spending using DRDs, and we should learn to control ourselves.
I loved reading all your ideas on this topic, but what distracted me was your grammar mistakes. You should really take a minute to read or skim through your work.
Learning about what people think on how much time they should be spending using DRDs is really interesting. This makes me wonder what should the most and what should the least amount of time be used for using these devices?
It was nice learning about your ideas.
Amber M.