Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hw 7

Family Member:

Me: "How do you think social networking websites have changed the way we interact with eachother?"

Brother: "I think that social networking websites have changed the way we interact with eachother in many ways. We are able to reach out to the people we need to talk to even if they are not online, they simply are always "available" for us. They are always ready to recieve our messages (offline messages). We have become so used to using these social networking websites that we prefer to talk online rather than talking on the phone and using up all our minutes. It seems like we learn more about eachother from peoples wallposts, or statuses than we would in a normal school day. I think that without these websites a part of us would be hidden from others. We seem to automatically look up people on facebook to see what they are up to rather then calling them up and saying wat up? wacha doin?


Me: "How many hours do you think you spend in a normal day using digital/electronic media?"

Lady: "I would say 12 hours since its my job."

Lady 2: "I use it all day."

Me: "Do you think adults should spend more time in the digital/electronic world when compared to younger kids?"

Lady: "I would say we should all use it at most 3 hours a week, once a day for 10 minutes. Time is valueble, using these things helps us connect with people overseas which is a good excuse to use these products. Talking on the phone is more time effecient rather than texting, since it is too time consuming; thats what phones are for."

Lady with kid: "Yeah, why not. Adults should spend more time using the digital electronic products. I use facebook for 30 minutes each evening. I will buy electronics for my child because thats what everyone else does. If he does not have a cell phone then I will be in trouble."

Me: "If I say you look like a person who is captured in the digital world would you be insulted or complimented?"

Man: "Half way in between."

Man 2: "I wouldn't be insulted or complimented, but it does give me a strong reaction."

Lady (aged): "I would be complimented because you think that I am younger than I am right now. I have a cellphone."

Man 3: "I would be insulted, It would be like saying I am from an unreal world."

Best Friend:

Me: "If I say you look like a person who is captured in the digital world, would you be insulted or complimented?"

“I wouldn’t feel insulted because I do not understand what being captured in the digital world means. I would feel indifferent about it and ignore it.”

“I would not like that because a person who uses electronics a lot are not healthy since they are sitting down and not moving. They are not smart enough because they are wasting valuable time when they should be studying or reading a book. Most of the people that sit using electronics are usually on the computer wasting their time. They are playing games or on Facebook or Myspace, while they should be writing that research paper. So no, I would not like it.

Me: “Should adults be spending more time using electronics or should teens be spending more time using them?”

Adults, because kids do not need to use them daily like adults do. For example adults use electronics for their jobs and stuff like that. If kids use it a lot it can have a bad effect on them because they are wasting their time using such things. This will lead to having lack of information. Nowadays kids know more about electronics than they do know about how to do their homework.

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