Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hw 6: Video Prjoect

When I am looking at the video I just shot, I feel weird looking at my self using digital/electronic devices. But in a way it seems normal since I have become so used to using these devices. I am able to see what I look like using these materials. I look like I am lost in a world surrounded by these things. When I am listening to my mp3 player and playing on the PSP, I have my full attention on what is in front of me and what I am hearing. I completley forget about the outside world and pay close attention to the screen and what I am listening to, thats it nothing else. I feel like I am looking at a different person when watching this video of myself.

Hmmm, well I guess now a days we have to spend some time day to day doing these things. My sister is almost 7 years old and she is always asking me if she can get on the computer after me. It's what our life depends on now. Without it our life would be very different in many ways. In the future I think my kids would be using these things since everyday our technology is getting better and modarnized. If we did not have such devices surrounding us, we would be living a pretty tough life. I mean look at this, I am doing my homework by using the computer, if I wasn't able to have access to a computer this would have affected my grades in school, and later on lead me into a bad future. For many of us we are based on using the digital electronic media, without it many adults would lose their jobs and students would not be recieving good grades in school. These are just important things that make up our life, other things such as keeping in contact with our family and friends that are overseas would not be possible at all. It is pretty amazing how all this has changed the way we live. We wouldn't be able to do much without any of these materials.

The contrast between whats going on in the DRDs and how I look using them is different depending on who the person is using them. If I was someone else looking at my video then I wouldn't have known what game I was playing or what song I was listening to. Since I am the one using these devices, I am the only person that is able to know. When I look at this video, I am not able to look at what is going on the screen, or hear the music that I am listening to. I am just looking at my self using DRDs. The two ways you look at it is very different, since I am the one using the PSP and MP3 player in the video I am the only one that knows what is really going on. Other people watching this video will just see me using these devices. They wouldn't be able to see the pictures on the screen or hear my playlist.


  1. Amber,

    Nice post, I found it really insightful. I feel like you really captured your feelings about watching your video, and most people probably empathize with you.

    Basically, Watching the video was a really weird experience for you. You feel like it's not really you, since that person doesn't look like they were having the same experience that you were. However, this doesn't tarnish your feelings that technology can be really useful and even necessary for some things.

    I think that most people probably felt the same way you did about the video seeming like another person. I know that whenever I see myself on camera or even in photos I feel like it's not really me, because it doesn't make sense to me that an image of a person I can see from the outside can be me on the inside. With DRDs, where our internal thoughts are carried over into an entirely separate world and skip over our bodies completely, the contrast is even more striking.

    I thought your post was interesting overall. One more thing that you might do is talk about the effects of these issues on others (within those you know or in society) a bit more, but really your post wasn't any worse off without it.

    One interesting thing that you brought up was how in the future kids will be using technology because it's always improving. I often think about the concept that really, no matter how much some people dislike it, the ones making the machines are going to keep making them. Technology is going to happen, even if some people oppose it.

    I enjoyed your post, and I look forward to reading more from you!


  2. Remy…

    Thanks for having honest opinions about my post; they will definitely help me for next time. You pointed out that I should talk about these issues on others, but what was more helpful was that you said that everyone feels weird when looking at a video of themselves. Next time we do a video project I will remember to keep that in mind.
    While writing my post and creating my video, I was trying to focus on how I feel like I am a totally different person when I look at myself using DRDs. Without it I feel like it gives me a new identity. But technology keeps getting better and better, and we all need it in our lives either for our entertainment or to keep our jobs and keep our grades up in school. Even though I feel like a different person when I am using these devices, I know that it is hard to live without them because for me they control my future and determine where I will end up later on in life.
    When looking at our videos posted up online, we feel weird, like we are looking not at ourselves, rather someone else. We both can’t seem to live without DRDs but we should not waste all our time on it either.
    Looking at both of our comments we have a lot of similar ideas. Technology is going to keep existing generation after generation, and it’s going to keep getting better year after year. We all need to learn how to manage our time using these devices.
    It was nice reading your thoughts on my post, till next time.

    Amber M.

  3. Amber
    Your video is straight to the point. You automatically go into this digital world and full aware that your in it, but also aware that its ok.
    You understand what you look like, but that is not who you are. You say that you seem like your lost in another world but honestly i think if someone to tap your shoulder you would be fully able to comeback into the "real world." Your not getting brainwashed in my opinion, just your attention is drawn to other things such as the gadgets that were in current use.
    I have a PSP and sometimes i can get lost and look exactly like you at times, but i know what i look like, and i think so many others out there do to. This i feel has become a "norm" and accepted. You can see people in trains zoning in and out like you were doing in your video. we all have had taking some part in "zoning out weather it be closing are eyes with an iPod on, or reading with an ipod or some kind of music device. It can zone you out.
    i think that your answers don't need revision but if you wanted to add more you can talk about how you are able to multi task with multiple devices some people are incapable of using one let alone 2. Also you can elaborate how technology is growing so fast that eventually were are going to depend on it and how are younger generation is gonna have to have the internet. things like that but I personally think you had a great explanation of that.
    I personally like how you talk on how we rely on computers to do are homework and with out them we cannot do are homework. I feel that sometimes you cant even hand write a a paper and a teacher wont accepted because its not typed. i feel that us as humans gain a new way of writhing but are calligraphy has falling but we are able to type faster then we actually hand write sometimes.
    sorry I put this up late...

  4. Andrew,
    It’s ok for this time, but please post sooner next time I like how you relate to many of the ideas I have and elaborate on them. It really shows that we are both on the same page here. We both seem to zone out while using these devices but by some distraction we come back to life again.
    It helps me when you say that I need to talk more about how multi tasking with 2 devices can differ from using just one. Also, you pointed out that I should elaborate on how the use of DRDs will make us depend on them in the future later on. I think that this is already taking place right now, don’t you think so?
    I was focused on how I look and feel while I was creating this video for our homework assignment. I wanted my readers to put themselves in my position and feel the way I was feeling at the time so that they would really be able to understand all my thoughts and ideas throughout my post. You point out that I should expand more on how all of this will impact our future. I will keep that in mind for next time, even though I feel like I talked about it a little.
    It looks like we both stand in the same place here, but we both want to know how this will change our future. Will we be depending on it more later on, because I feel like we already do that today? I guess we will have to wait to answer this question…
    Both of us seem to be really interested in this topic and want some answers soon. I think that all of the answers depend on our experiences which lead us into our own thoughts and ideas. How do you feel that our experiences lead to how we interpret this whole concept?
    Till next time,
    Amber M.
