Sunday, January 10, 2010

Hw 33

Thesis: While being the observer at first, we are all later on observed when we have taken the looks and ideas from others that surround us flaunting their own “coolness”. We adapt them and make them our own and try to hide this fact, when someone finds this out then we are automatically considered a follower.

Paragraph 1: We all make a “first impression” based on what we wear, how we speak, etc… we become the one being observed and it depends on what the observer wants to steal away from us
Point 1: Mr. Fanning’s interview: how people are judged with tattoos (while being a principal at a school.)
Point 2: Setting a trend, make something seem cooler (research on how to be cool.)
Point 3: Stealing ideas from looking at famous people and how they have dressed themselves, making it work on you. Celebrities are used for ads to make a product look “cooler”.

Paragraph 2: We try to ignore what we truly are and try to replace it by the pressure caused by others surrounding us.
Point 1: Having someone to look up to, for example celebrities and doing whatever they are doing (having a role model.)
Point 2: Once we are able to “fit in”, we want to take control of things based off of what is cool or what isn’t (the part of a movie we saw in class earlier this unit.) Being cool is associated with taking risks.
Point 3: We are all unique in our very own ways, yet we seem to “fit in” with the crowd and blend ourselves in. (Emptiness and how we try to cover it up, yet in my opinion it is a permanent part of us.)

Paragraph 3: We are all trying to create an identity to cover up our “real” self; by being fake, some people are able to pass through this aspect of being cool.
Point 1: Girls applying make up, or covering our self with tattoos; what image are we setting for our self? (Mr. Fanning interview/personal friend interview)
Point 2: What is considered “cool” changes like the seasons change throughout the year. We have to keep up with it or else we will fade away, and no one will consider us to be cool. (Fashion magazines, Celeb gossip, Merchants of cool.)
Point 3: We are all in a hierarchy, and this calculates whose on top (considered cool) and how everyone else is spread out. When we go out, people do not care about or names yet they care much more about “what we do.” Or for younger individuals “what school or college” they go to.

Conclusion: While being the observer at first, we are all later on observed when we have taken the looks and ideas from others that surround us flaunting their own “coolness”. We adapt them and make them our own and try to hide this fact, when someone finds this out then we are automatically considered a follower. We all dress ourselves up from the inside out to be someone that we are naturally aren’t. We do this so we can “fit in” and at least have a chance of being considered cool. It’s the human code in many societies; there are many different ways to decode it. How hard are you willing to figure it all out? Well, this all depends on you.

1 comment:

  1. Thesis reminded me of "Feed" and the hairstyle changes and the big spit.

    Keep going.

    I feel similar to you on the tattoo issue, and like henna stuff too, even though its also attention-getting.
