Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hw 27

Street Interviews:
Anthony: Works at Tasti D-Lite
Waiting for him to take the customer’s order we started to ask Anthony questions about the word cool and our society: “Who would you say is the coolest person in our society and why?” After thinking for a while he states: “I would have to say the coolest person in our society is Cameron Diaz; she gives a lot to the society by doing charity work.” “What would you say is the true meaning of cool?” “Cool is something to be, you do everything to be cool in your own way.” “Why do you think the word cool is always taken as a compliment?” “Everybody does their own thing and they get compliments, if you think it’s cool to rob then you’re going to rob, you may not get compliments for that one though.” I ask him: “Do you think anyone can be born cool?” He answers: “No, I guess actions cause you to be cool.” “What do you think of when you hear the word cool?” “I think about cool as in the weather or temperature, it feels good. Like a cool breeze or something like that.” Who would you say was the coolest person in high school?” “Hmmm, I would say myself because I was known but I was humble as well. I was cool with everybody meaning that I got along with everyone. High school was the only school where I didn’t get into a fight with anyone.” Later on he states: “To me my father is the coolest person in the world; he gave up his whole career for me.” (after a while replaces father with parents).

Michelle (42): Works at Jewelry Store
While taking a break for a smoke outside we asked Michelle some questions about cool in our society: “Hi, we are interviewing people about the word cool and what it means in our society; would you like to contribute some thoughts?” “Cool! Yeah, sure. Why not? My parents were hippies from the 60’s. I always use the word cool, my coworkers always make fun of me because I use it so often.” While giggling, I ask: “Who would you say is the coolest person in our society and why?” She states: “Well Obama made an important speech last night about sending more troops over to Afghanistan that was pretty disappointing. I would say Obama is cool, he is honest and truthful. That guy has the hardest job on the block.” “Would you say you are cool yourself?” I wouldn’t be called cool by my kids but yeah I would say I’m cool.” “How do you think cool differs in different societies?” “Well, I have been to places like Germany, France and Tahiti. I was in a beach in Tahiti and I had these toys for the beach; all of the sudden these people started to come up to me and began to play with the toys. This is cool they said. The word is used a lot in different parts of the world.” “Who was the coolest person you knew in school?” “Eddie Fisher; he was the guy who had combat boots before anyone else, this made him trendy.”

Brian/Mr. Cool: Works with Michelle
After finishing our talk with Michelle, Brian joins us and gives us some thoughts about the word cool: “What is the definition of cool in your dictionary?” “He states: “Something that people admire.” “Who is the coolest person in our society?” “I would say Jeremy Piven from Entourage, his attitude, very cool and aggressive; he is sharp and quick with words. He doesn’t care how it comes out in real life or on television.” I ask him: “Why do you think the word cool is always taken as a compliment?” He answers: “Because it’s something people admire.” “Can you be born cool?” “You cannot be born cool, you have to earn it and gain it on your own. It’s like a degree; you need a couple of years to get it. Some people fail the course miserably.” “Would you say nerds are cool?” “Nerds are cool in their own way.”

I went around and asked each family member in my house: “What does cool mean to you?” and gave the one minute to answer; this is what they blurted out:

Nabil: “Being popular, for boys its trying to get the most girls, having your head held high and thinking you are better than others and showing it as well. In our society basketball is the coolest sport, the players are automatically considered cool. Kobe made that miracle shot so he is considered cool these days. To be cool you gotta be from coming from “the hood”.”

Mujeeb: “A nice breeze, good weather, an easy going person is cool.”

Bushra: “Talking like a “cool” person using the words: “peace out” or “yo”. Popular kids, being mean to people just to be different and stand out. Jumping over the turnstile in a subway station.”

Shahana: “Casual and relaxed, no formality. Having a different style and setting trends. Having the latest gadgets, if you like something then it automatically becomes “cool” to you, doesn’t have to be considered “cool” by others though.

Over an aim conversation I asked my frien Kavita some questions about "cool" in our sciety; this is how she responded:
What is your definition of cool?
My definition of the word "cool" is a word describing a content feeling; it can be replaced with the words "alright," "awesome," or "that's fine."
Can one ever be born cool?
Based on my definition of the word cool, I think that if a person is born with no complications, they would be born cool. Based on my definition of cool, someone being born cool is like saying the process of being born is cool like "I was born cool" would mean "the birth process was cool"
Who would you say is the coolest person in our society?
Okay, I would say the coolest person in our society is Obama, because it makes me feel content
How so?
Him being president makes me feel content because I am glad he won the presidency; he will make the country better for us as well as for the future generations, and he is for the common people.
How do u think cool differs in different societies?
I think my definition of cool seems to be the consensus in most societies, but people's opinion of content change because for Americans, our range of "coolness" varies because of the diverse cultures in this country. However, for other societies, "cool" would be defined as something that supports or enhances their culture.

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