Thursday, December 3, 2009

Hw 26

Jamila W:
Who do you think was the coolest person to live?
“Steve Biko; I think he was cool because he was a political activist, who during the Apartheid in South Africa, he stood up to the Bantu system. Being cool is admirable, he is someone I admire.

How does “cool” differ in different societies?
“Having traveled to many countries other than the U.S. I would say imitating Americans. For example I was in Guatemala and I attended school there; the cool thing to do there was to dress up in a hip hop kind of way. It was not unique to Guatemalan culture; they were imitating what they saw on television.

What is cool?
“Cool is to be an individual and true to yourself, it’s the cool thing to do.”

Is it possible for one to be born cool?
“Yes, celebrities have kids that are born cool. There are people out there offering millions of dollars to take pictures of them. They are always being watched and this is what makes them cool. Angelina Jolie’s daughter is already cool and she can’t even talk yet.”

Can Cool be perceived differently between males and females?
Yes, for example if a boy and a girl are observing how another female acts, the girl may say that is not cute/cool, but the guy may think the total and complete antithesis.”

Cierra M:
What is your definition of cool?
"Someone that is kind, sweet and they have to have a good head on their shoulder."

Can anyone ever be born cool?
"Yea it all depends on how they are raised."

Okay, so how should a kid be raised to be considered cool?
"With respect and they have to have manners and know how to try their best."

Do you think it's cool for people to use the word cool in different countries other than in the U.S.A.?

"Because it does not matter where you are from you are allowed to use the word."

Why do people want to be considered cool?
"Because they want to fit in with other people and want to change the way they are. They want to change their looks and personality with other people and try to convince then that they are worth hanging out with."

Sienna G:
Who is the “coolest” person in our society and why?
“I think Jay-Z is the “coolest” person in our society because he always seems to be layed back and never stresses out much. He just has the cool swag, also because his music is the greatest.”

Do you think it's possible for one to be born cool? How so?
“I think in some cases people are born cool, but that also depends on your definition of cool. Cool is something that can’t be forced, it just happens.”

So, what is your definition of cool?
“Cool to me is somebody who is real layed back, chill, social, book smart, street smart, can hang with anyone and is not judgmental towards anybody.”

Do you think cool be perceived differently between males and females?
“Yeah, but not just between males and can be perceived differently by everybody because there is no real definition of cool.”

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