Monday, April 12, 2010

Hwk 48

It will be the first day of school soon and a fourteen year old boy Casious is more then ready. He arrives to school with all his new materials and stands outside to take a look., he thinks to himself that this is where I will be going to school for the next four years. He says to himself. He finally arrives to first period class and sits in the seat with his name card on it. Students start to walk in, and take seats at their assigned desks. The room consists of desks in rows with a board in the front. There is a bulletin board with a huge map of the world. It is 9:00 and the teacher still hasn’t walked in to class yet. All the students are seated facing the front, and the doorknob turns. The vice principal walks in to inform the students that their teacher, Mr Lin will be late because he had an emergency to attend. It is a half hour later and the teacher still hasn’t arrived from this emergency. The bell rings and Casious is off to his next class.

The next day Casious walks in to his history class after lunch and he sees a young man sitting in front of the classroom at his desk writing away on a notepad. He stands up and Casious notes that he is very short, maybe 5'1. He seems to be very nervous while he writes on the board and his handshakes. All the other students start to come back from lunch and as they walk in notice the short Asian man who is in the front of the room. Two of the boys, Kyle and Victor start to eye each other and start to smirk. They all start to get really loud and act very tough to get his attention, but he still continues to write on the board. After a few minutes pass everyone is in the classroom is seated; Kyle and Victor aren’t seated in their assigned seats. The teacher turns around after finishing writing on the board.

He eyes all the students and adjusts his glasses on his face, he tells everyone to get up. At that instant the Victor and Kyle look at each other wide eyed. The teacher has no accent and has a very deep voice. This does not hold them back from what they do next. Everybody else in the class is standing by their desk while the two boys Kyle and Victor stay seated. The teacher glances over at them and tells them that they should stand up and they shouldn’t expect him to repeat himself next time. The two boys still stay seated and Victor starts to question the teacher. The teacher ignores his questions and walks back to his desk. All the students have their eyes on the teacher excited to see what happens next.

Mr. Lin is written on the board in cursive with a few other sentences stating where he is from and his goal for this year. He says what he has written on the board and instructs the students to form a circle and do the same method of introduction. Casious eyes the two boys who are still seated, and so do a couple other students. At this point they start to look foolish and immature. Everybody else is prepared for what is to come at them. They will probably be the kids that will be receiving the bad grades anyways, so why bother caring for them.

After everybody has introduced them self in front of the class, Mr. Lin turns to the two boys seated in the middle. He asks them if they would like to introduce themselves, they stand up and start to speak mumbling their words. They seem to be very nervous, they were not expecting this to happen. They had planned on taking over the class and making funny jokes about the teacher. Finally the bell rings and Mr. Lin dismisses his students. Everybody leaves their class one by one to go to their next class. Kyle and Victor are the first ones out, almost running as if they are desperate to get to their next class. Casious is behind them and overhears what they have to say about the teacher. He figures that they would have to be serious after all about what they do in class, and that is the behavior he sees the next day in class. They are like the rest of the students that pay attention in class. Everybody has seemed to forgotten what had happened the day before.

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